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100 Ways to Simplify Your Life

southern md lifestyleUnderstanding Life has become hectic we’d like to enlist your help in creating a list of the top 100 ways to simplify your life on a daily basis. Periodically we will add your suggestions to this list. Contact us with your suggestions. If you would like to have your name listed with your suggestion let us know that in the email. Thanks for the help.

1. Whenever leaving a room always straighten at least one thing.
2. Handle every piece of paper that comes into the house only one time. Don’t stack things up for later. You will just be rereading the same mail over and over.
3. Get rid of all those unnecessary cleaning products. Buy products that clean multiple surfaces. Keep them in a bucket that’s easy to carry from room to room on cleaning day.
4. Make your bed as soon as you get up in the morning
5. When you have a party or holiday gathering be sure to have extra zip bags and glad bowls. Plan to send left overs home with guests. Don’t take NO for an answer. It will help cut down on clean up and storage problems.
6. When coming in from travel have all suitcases emptied and put away within 24 hours. No exceptions.
7. Put laundry away immediately
8. Learn to say NO
9. Cut back on the number of magazine subscriptions you receive
10. If you don’t use something throw it out
11. Throw away, give away or get rid of 5 things every day
12. Reduce debt. Debt adds a lot of stress. Create a strict, manageable budget to pay off your bills. You will feel good as the debt is reduced.
13. Turn off your cell phone when you don’t want to be interrupted.
14. Do not take phone calls during dinner. Be sure to tell callers you do not take phone calls during the dinner hour.
15. Delete unwanted and unsolicited email.
16. Avoid overexposure to negative people.
17. Get more sleep.
18. Let others help when they offer.
19.Cook on the weekends and freeze and reheat during the week.
20. Adhere to a schedule.
21. Don’t overschedule… Only create lists that are within reason.
22. Keep multi-tasking to a minimum. Although you believe you are going to get more done it only draws each task out longer. Get one task done and move on.
23. Choose a few things that are important to you and get rid of the rest.
24. Let your children learn to do some things for themselves… and learn to live with it. Some examples of this would be .. let them make their beds, clean their rooms and get their pajamas on. Give up some control and you’ll gain some time.
25. Keep things organized with one calendar. Make sure there is one calendar centrally located for family events as well. This will stop double planning and replanning.