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Guide To Using Mobile Phones Safely

Mobile phones are reliable assets when they are used safely in Maryland.

mobile phone safety guideResearch indicates that there are nearly as many mobile phones in use as there are people on the planet. Mobile phones are relied on now more than ever, and these phones do more than just make phone calls. They’re compact computers capable of providing directions and access to the Internet, and many serve as users’ primary cameras as well.

According to data compiled by the New York-based app Locket, the average user checks his phone around nine times an hour during peak times of the day. Users unlock their phones roughly 110 times per day. Considering how prevalent mobile phone usage can be, phone users may want to take some safety measures to protect themselves and any sensitive data stored on their phones.

· Make use of privacy features. Phones come equipped with a variety of privacy features to protect users. Read the manual that comes with your phone to determine how to make use of these privacy features. Among the many privacy features on today’s smartphones are the ability to turn off location services so that others will not know your whereabouts and the chance to block certain websites from being visited by younger users.

· Keep phones for personal use. Since mobile phones are mini computers, their use should be limited to the person who owns the phone. Avoid sharing the phone, or others will be able to send out a text or video on your behalf that may not be in your best interests. Never share passwords with others.

· Limit phone usage in vehicles. It’s best to keep mobile phones off when driving. Texting or browsing the Internet while driving can distract you from the road, putting you, your passengers, pedestrians, and fellow motorists at risk of injury. Use a hands-free device or your vehicle’s Bluetooth functions if you must answer the phone while driving. Familiarize yourself with local laws regarding phone use in a moving vehicle, as using a mobile phone while driving may be illegal in certain areas. You can always pull over to answer your phone if an important call comes in.

· Know which information apps use. Unless you deny access, apps may access private data without your knowledge. Permissions may include accessing contact lists, location services, calendars, or even social networking accounts.

· Use mobile hotspots wisely. Relying on a mobile hotspot can save you money if you are worried about exceeding your data allowances. But hotspot security may be lax, so avoid banking or accessing financial records while using hotspots. Otherwise, your information may be hacked. Wait until you’re at home and using a secured network to access potentially sensitive information.

· Don’t speak too openly when in public. Others can hear conversations or see your screen when in public. Unless you want to air all of your personal information, limit what you share on phone calls made in public.

Mobile phones are an incredible asset when they’re used in safe and courteous manners. TF157342