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Photo Opportunity

Southern Maryland GazeboSouthern Maryland offers plenty of photo opportunities: Beautiful Sunsets, Bridges, The Bay, The Patuxent River, Lighthouses, Barns…. You name and you can probably find it and photograph it in Southern Maryland. 

Now here’s a way to earn prizes with those photos. 

Outdoor Photographer Magazine’s
Vistas Photo Contest is here for 2014! Entries will be judged by an elite panel of photographers and editors, and the First Place Prize Package includes publication of your photo in Outdoor Photographer Magazine; your choice of a Samsung NX300, Olympus E-PL5 or Fujifilm X-M1 mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera and more.

Learn More>>> http://www.outdoorphotographer.com/photo-contests/vistas-2014.html?key=DPEBL01