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Reducing Electric Consumption

Did you know?  Reducing Electric Consumption

home improvement photoReducing your electricity consumption is an easy way to reduce your environmental footprint. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 39 percent of the energy used in America is used to generate electricity. Most of that electricity is generated from fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil, and generating those fossil fuels can increase the emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases while contributing to climate change. But electricity can be generated from renewable resources that do not generally contribute to climate change or air pollution. That’s because these renewable resources, which include solar, geothermal and wind technologies, do not burn fuels. If such renewable resources are not accessible to you, then there are additional ways to reduce your electricity consumption. When purchasing new appliances and electronics, purchase energy-efficient products and operate them efficiently. Energy-efficient windows can bring more natural light into yourhome, allowing you to rely more on natural light than electricity to brighten your home. In addition, energy-efficient, properly insulated windows help both your home’s heating and cooling systems to operate more efficiently by reducing the amount of air that escapes through the windows.

This article has been brought to you by Buckler Electric in St. Mary’s County.


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